- amazu (rain gear)
- bekkaku (temples not part of the 88)
- Hondô (Main Hall)
- byakue (white vest)
- Daishidô (Daishi Hall)
- dôgyô ninin (walking with Kobo Daishi)
- fukuso (clothing)
- goeika (temple song)
- gosettai see osettai(charitable gifts)
- gyakuuchi/sakauchi (doing the pilgrimage in reverse order)
- hakui see byakue (white vest)
- Hannya Shingyô (Heart Sutra)
- henro korogashi (steep points along the route)
- Henromichi Hozon Kyoryokukai (Pilgrim Path Preservation Cooperative Association)
- henroyado (lodging facilities for pilgrims)
- kaketsure/kakezure (walking as a group)
- kechigan (finishing the pilgrimage)
- kugiriuchi (doing the pilgrimage in segments)
- kongôtsue/kongôzue (staff)
- mangan (completing the pilgrimage)
- nojuku (sleeping outdoors)
- nôkyô (stamp)
- nosatsu see osamefuda (nameslips)
- orei-mairi (doing the pilgrimage by showing gratitude)
- osamefuda/nôsatsu ( nameslips)
- osettai (charitable gifts)
- sakauchi see gyakuuchi (doing in the pilgrimage in reverse order)
- sendatsu (veteran pilgrim guides)
- settai see osettai(charitable gifts)
- shakyo (copying the sutras)
- Shingon (Shingon)
- shozoku (clothing) see fukuso
- shoes (shoes)
- shukubô (temple lodging)
- shukuhaku (lodging) see henroyado
- sugegasa (hat)
- takuhatsu (mendicancy)
- wagesa (stole)